Wednesday, July 22, 2009

cave party, bedouin ferrari, 850 steps

We went to Petra, we saw the main was a great day, hard to describe all the fun.

However, there were some highlights:
1) Osama's guidiness!! We were delighted with the amount and quality of information our guide knew and felt obliged to pass on to us. Who knew there were camels in the walls!?!

2) Meeting Marguerite, a friend of Jane, and getting her book signed. (Married to a Bedouin-- google it!)

3) Being offered rides in "air conditioned Bedouin ferraris" which turned out to be donkeys.

4) Realizing that the trend in young Bedouin men is to look like Johnny Depp in their pirate fashions.

5) 10 year olds can really sell fake jewellery, and can do it in 7 languages.

6) Climbing up 850 steps in 38 C is possible, and makes cave parties with mint tea all the more relaxing.

7) There are actually 2 "Grand Canyons", and one of them is in Petra.

8) Horsemen will charge 7 dinar for a horse you don't want. They will NOT pay 1 dinar to get their hat back, but seemed quite eager to pay for a kiss.

9) The Treasury is amazing in the morning light byt is even more impressive at night.

10) Walk down the Siq alone, whenever possible.

11) Beware of "mad donkeys" and their carts, specially if they turn out to be horses.

12) Mahmoud (real or fake) is not needed as long as you have Osama.

13) After 10 hours in Petra it feels great to lay down and put your feet up the wall.

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